The Blackfin Adventures 4: USBStor.sys and friends

Apologies if this is slightly outside of the usual scope of the list.

With W7x64, what would be the expected behaviour of the USB stack if a
connected mass storage device crashed?

I am encountering situations where, when the embedded firmware fails,
both Windows Explorer and test harnesses using the mounted file system
simply hang. Subsequent device removal has no effect, the only solution
being to reboot Windows.

Any pointers much appreciated


Have you tried using Windbg to see what is hanging on the PC side?


From: [] On Behalf Of Jerry Evans []
Sent: 15 April 2012 14:50
To: Windows System Software Devs Interest List
Subject: [ntdev] The Blackfin Adventures 4: USBStor.sys and friends

Apologies if this is slightly outside of the usual scope of the list.

With W7x64, what would be the expected behaviour of the USB stack if a
connected mass storage device crashed?

I am encountering situations where, when the embedded firmware fails,
both Windows Explorer and test harnesses using the mounted file system
simply hang. Subsequent device removal has no effect, the only solution
being to reboot Windows.

Any pointers much appreciated


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What “hangs” mean?

Does the OS reboot cleanly? If you kill the application process by Task Manager, does it disappear from the list?