TDI clientEventReceive end of stream

I’m currently working on a network driver which is supposed to directly communicate with TDI driver through \device\tcp device.

I’m correctly sending the TCP request by building TDI_SEND irp and I’ve registered a ClientEventReceive handler which is receiving the reply from a web server.

Everything is working properly, both sending and receiving, though I’m stuck on a very common issue that I’m not able to get rid off of.

After I sent out a GET request to the web server I start receiving a series of TSDU messages (not fragmented, everything is fine). Quite often I don’t receive a single TSDU, I receive a number of TSDU packets.

The issue raises here: I don’t know exactly what is the ending TSDU packet and between the last TSDU and the ClientEventDisconnect happens a timeout of around 3 seconds - which is not acceptable wait.

Do you have any hint how I’m supposed to understand which is the TSDU packet that is ending the series of TSDU packets so that I know the receive even is ended and I don’t have to wait that 3 seconds timeout?


> Do you have any hint how I’m supposed to understand which is the TSDU
packet that is ending the series of TSDU packets so that I know the receive
even is ended and I don’t have to wait that 3 seconds timeout?

Yes, the hint is that TCP is a byte stream not a message protocol. It has
no concept of ‘end of message’ only ‘end of conneciton’.

So if you are making an HTTP request to a web server you need to parse the
HTTP to know when you have got to the end of it. TCP signaling will only
tell you when either you or the peer decided to close the connection.

Good Luck,
Dave Cattley