TCPIP bindings, IM Ndis driver question.

I am writing the IM Ndis driver under WinMe.

I would like that my driver will be bounded by MSTCP only (no other upper protocols).

The MSTCP implaments the following interfaces under it`s DefLower reg/value

For example the NETBIUE protocol points only ndis3,ndis4,ndis5 interfaces.

If i choose the ndis5 as upper edge interface for my driver the MSTCP and NETBIUE will bind to that one.
If i choose for example “broadcastip” interface everything is OK - only MSTCP binds to IM driver.

My questions is: would it right to choose the “broadcastip” for such bindings reasons?
What does the “broadcastip” interface realy mean?
Does WinMe guarantees my that will not other protocols pointed “broadcastip” as well?
May be any other suggestions?

Thank you for help,

Eugene Egorov

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In the INF documentation it says you can use “ndis5_ip” to restrict
binding to just tcp/ip. I have found that doing this works; however, you
never get the “Local Connection” icon in the network properties page. This
presents a major problem since the user can’t easily change their IP

Hopefully someone on the list can expand further on this.

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