!sysptes 4 doesn't work

!sysptes 4 doesn’t work.
using windows 2003 enterprise edition service pack 1

using microsoft symbol server online

get following error with windbg and local kernel debugging:

!sysptes 4

0x26e System PTEs allocated to mapping locked pages

VA MDL PageCount Caller/CallersCaller
f85fde98: Unable to get System PTE individual lock consumer information

Anyone any ideas?

I need this to get a idea to where the systempte’s are going when i’m using 3gb and pae switches in boot.ini

i set the registry key

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Memory Management]

and rebooted the vmware machine (same error on physical machine)

Anyone any ideas?

Greeting Bas Hendriks

Looks like nt!_PTE_TRACKER type is not included in public symbols.
As a workaround, you can manually add it to the PDB you got from
the symbol server. The following procedure worked for me:

  1. Create a C file with the following contents:

== PteTracker.c ==
#include <ntddk.h>

typedef struct PTE_TRACKER {
PVOID SystemVa;
PVOID StartVa;
ULONG Offset;
ULONG Length;
struct {
ULONG IoMapping: 1;
ULONG Matched: 1;
ULONG CacheAttribute : 2;
ULONG Spare : 28;
PVOID CallingAddress;
PVOID CallersCaller;

== end ==

2. Update ntkrnlpa.pdb with this command:

cl.exe /Zi /Gz /c /Fdntkrnlpa.pdb /I /D_X86
=1 PteTracker.c

By the way, if you don’t find any leaks but you still run out of
system PTEs in this configuration, try using /userva switch
and configuring DynamicMemory value as described here:


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bas.hendriks wrote:

> !sysptes 4 doesn’t work.
> using windows 2003 enterprise edition service pack 1
> using microsoft symbol server online
> get following error with windbg and local kernel debugging:
> !sysptes 4
> 0x26e System PTEs allocated to mapping locked pages
> VA MDL PageCount Caller/CallersCaller
> f85fde98: Unable to get System PTE individual lock consumer information
> Anyone any ideas?
> I need this to get a idea to where the systempte’s are going when i’m
> using 3gb and pae switches in boot.ini
> i set the registry key
> Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
> [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session
> Manager\Memory Management]
> “TrackPtes”=dword:00000001
> and rebooted the vmware machine (same error on physical machine)
> Anyone any ideas?</ntddk.h>

On 4/8/07, Pavel Lebedinsky wrote:
> Looks like nt!PTE_TRACKER type is not included in public symbols.
> As a workaround, you can manually add it to the PDB you got from
> the symbol server. The following procedure worked for me:
> 2. Update ntkrnlpa.pdb with this command:
> cl.exe /Zi /Gz /c /Fdntkrnlpa.pdb /I /D_X86
=1 PteTracker.c
> By the way, if you don’t find any leaks but you still run out of
> system PTEs in this configuration, try using /userva switch
> and configuring DynamicMemory value as described here:
> http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/2b0d4c6e-92b7-410b-876b-367c4043b1c7.aspx

wow nice info there
if im not wrong in my decryption of this answer
can i assume that i can create my own pdb for sourceless binaries by creating
a few c files and updating with cl/ ?? or take a stripped pdb and
convert it to private pdb

that would be nice if it worked

thanks and regards

“raj_r” wrote:

can i assume that i can create my own pdb for sourceless binaries by
a few c files and updating with cl/ ?? or take a stripped pdb and
convert it to private pdb

As far as I can tell, yes. I believe a similar process is used during
Windows build to generate public ntdll and kernel symbols with
partial type information.

This posting is provided “AS IS” with no warranties, and confers no