
Hi All,

I have recently installed windbg inside windows 7 in Vmware … Installed
windows SDK and Windows Symbols.

But still when I open executable “notepad.exe” inside windbg, and run
the following

command, it says symbol not found.

I have PATH set already

Tried the same on windows XP ... same issues ..

Please advice.

Thanks !


Change “SMVSRV” for “symsrv”.
Next time you can use “!sym noisy; .reload” command to see why symbols were
not loaded.

On Mon, Jan 14, 2013 at 8:14 AM, Akash Jain wrote:
> I have PATH set already
Looks like a typo, it should be:

Alternatively try:
!sym noisy
.symfix c:\symbols
.reload /f nt


Thanks to both of you !

On 14-Jan-13 3:07 PM, Petr Kurtin wrote:

Change “SMVSRV” for “symsrv”.
Next time you can use “!sym noisy; .reload” command to see why symbols were
not loaded.

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