Status code 0xc0000005

Hi all,

I am using the same technique as used in RegMon from SysInternals to hook
ZwCreateFile. I want to open a different file when my hooked version is

NTSTATUS hookZwCreateFile(…)
WCHAR logFileName = L"\??\C:\Log.txt";
NTSTATUS status;

RtlInitUnicodeString(&uniLogFile, logFileName);

InitializeObjectAttribute(&objAttr, &uniLogFile, OBJ_CASE_INSENSITIVE,

status = realZwCreateFile(&hFile, FILE_WRITE_DATA | SYNCHRONIZE,
&objAttr, …);

if (status == STATUS_SUCCESS) {
// faff with the file

} else {
KdPrint((“Failed to open log file 0x%08x\n”, status));

// actually open the requested file
return realZwCreateFile(…);

so we can log which files get opened.

However, most of the time the status returned from trying to open the
logfile is 0xC0000005 (STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION). Occasionally, I get

I have checked that my object attributes and unicode string are aligned on
a DWORD boundary. I have used MmIsAddressValid() to make sure that the
addresses are valid.

The call to open the requested file (at the bottom of the sample code)
always works.

I don’t get a blue screen, or anything useful like that. What am I doing
wrong? (It’s running on NT 4.0 Service pack 6).

Any and all suggestions gratefully received.


I’ve had a look, and found out that because ExGetPreviousMode() returns UserMode, all of the memory should be below MmUserProbeAddress.

So the new question is…

How do I allocate memory below MmUserProbeAddress, or how do I set the previous mode to be KernelMode?

All hints and tips received with enormous thanks


On Tuesday, March 26, 2002 12:11 PM, Richard Oak [] wrote:

Hi all,

I am using the same technique as used in RegMon from SysInternals to hook
ZwCreateFile. I want to open a different file when my hooked version is

> However, most of the time the status returned from trying to open the
> logfile is 0xC0000005 (STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION). Occasionally, I get
> I don’t get a blue screen, or anything useful like that. What am I doing
> wrong? (It’s running on NT 4.0 Service pack 6).