start rpcss windbg shows c0000022


I cannot start rpcss service on my virtual machine

when I use sc to start the service, it shows:

“[SC] StartService Failed 1069:”

the windbg shows:

“LSA/LogonUser(): Failed to retrieve local groups c000002”

then I switched to service control panel, and found the rpcss is started by NT AUTHORITY/NetworkService Account

I searched google and found no answer

can you help me out? thanks alot

Did you stop it or did it fail to start in the first place?

The reason that I ask is that so very many things depend on it, I’m surprised that you were able to boot/logon if it failed, nor would I guess that it would be possible to stop it once it was running.



martin, thanks for your reply

It failed to start in the first place, and I cannot start it manually.

After tried a lot of ways to settle down this problem, I found that it’s
registry problem. It seems that the NT AUTHORITY/NetworkService account has
no privilege to read the registry
HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Rpcss and the registry
HKLM\System\ControlSet001\Services\Rpcss, or something like that.

But I still cannot figure out why the account cannot read these registry

Do you have a file system filter running on this system? If not then this
isn’t really an appropriate list.


Scott Noone
Consulting Associate
OSR Open Systems Resources, Inc.

“???” wrote in message news:xxxxx@ntfsd…

martin, thanks for your reply

It failed to start in the first place, and I cannot start it manually.

After tried a lot of ways to settle down this problem, I found that it’s
registry problem. It seems that the NT AUTHORITY/NetworkService account has
no privilege to read the registry
HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Rpcss and the registry
HKLM\System\ControlSet001\Services\Rpcss, or something like that.

But I still cannot figure out why the account cannot read these registry