Start driver in C:\temp dir

I have written a mini-filter driver which will start on demand. Is it
possible to start the driver in the local directory (e.g. C:\Temp) without
copying it to C:\Windows\System32\drivers directory? I tried searching
through NTFSD and FAQ but cannot find such information.
If it can be done, any registry changes that is required?

Thanks for any information!

Sin Lam

Sorry, I didn’t find it hard enough. Found the ‘Event’ sample in DDK which
does what I requested.

Sin Lam

“Tan Sin Lam” wrote in message news:xxxxx@ntfsd…
> Hi,
> I have written a mini-filter driver which will start on demand. Is it
> possible to start the driver in the local directory (e.g. C:\Temp) without
> copying it to C:\Windows\System32\drivers directory? I tried searching
> through NTFSD and FAQ but cannot find such information.
> If it can be done, any registry changes that is required?
> Thanks for any information!
> Regards,
> Sin Lam

When you start a service the system locates the target file via ‘ImagePath’ value under
HKLM \SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\servicename - there is no requirement to put a driver file into some particular directory, although \system32\drivers is a default one. Therefore, all you have to do is to specify your target path in ‘ImagePath’ value after having installed your service…

Anton Bassov

Depending upon the version of NT and if the driver is a boot driver, then
there can be restrictions on the location of the driver binary. The
system32\drivers subdirectory always works, but some other location may
fail. On Vista if you want to obtain a WHQL signature the location may be
restricted to protected directories to provide more security.

David J. Craig
Engineer, Sr. Staff Software Systems
Broadcom Corporation

wrote in message news:xxxxx@ntfsd…
> When you start a service the system locates the target file via
> ‘ImagePath’ value under
> HKLM \SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\servicename - there is no
> requirement to put a driver file into some particular directory, although
> \system32\drivers is a default one. Therefore, all you have to do is to
> specify your target path in ‘ImagePath’ value after having installed your
> service…
> Anton Bassov

> Depending upon the version of NT and if the driver is a boot driver, then

there can be restrictions on the location of the driver binary.

Well, once the OP made it clear that his service is demand-start one, the above concern does not apply…

On Vista if you want to obtain a WHQL signature the location may be
restricted to protected directories to provide more security.

Well, as long as you can change a path after having already installed a driver service, the above feature seems to be of rather limited practical usefullness. At the same time, now MSFT can claim
“enhanced security” on Vista. Therefore, as it often happens with MSFT, the whole thing seems to be more of a marketing trick…

Anton Bassov