I am trying to get Filemon and filespy generate logs for network share
access, but without luck.

If I have a share like \<directory>
in a machine, and I connct to it from another machine with ipaddr2 as IP
Address, and copy some files, shouldn’t filemon/filespy generate logs for
these requests?

I have tried enabling these two tools for Network traffic also, in filemon
in the “Volumes” menu Network was ticked, and in filespy I attached it to
\Device\LanmanRedirector, but no logs were generated of this operation.

Am i looking in the wrong place?

- amitr0

> If I have a share like \<directory>
> in a machine, and I connct to it from another machine
> with ipaddr2 as IP Address, and copy some files,
> shouldn’t filemon/filespy generate logs for these requests?

Yes. But in this case, you must attach not to a network volume
(coz this is if you are sending requests to a network,
not if the request come form the network).

You will see the requests coming from the “system”



Thanks for the reply and clarification, I will try this out.

I read the OSR paper on SRV, and also a veteran told me that the Lanman
component bypasses calls like ntread( ), NtWrite( ) and NtCreate( ). Is this
true. I did an experiment on this. I set a break point on the kernels
ntCreate( ) and tried to access a share on the same machien from another.
there were no calls.

I read that ntCreate( ) and friends are implemented in the ntExec, and file
systems lie below it, so why don’t I get any calls? Can you please explain.

thanks in advance,