Software usability team in Moscow, Russia

Sorry for bothering the community with this shameless ad :-), but I have some moral obligations for one girl and need to help

The girl - and her husband and friends - are a strong team in software usability, they are more psychologists then IT people,
some have Ph. D. in psychology.
The work they can do:

  • evaluation of websites or software UI from the scientific point of view of usability
  • consulting in this branch
  • (the most interesting for us kmode developers) CODING STYLE review from psychological, scientific point of view. The girl told
    me “this is really easy”. Can be especially useful for toolkit authors who write the source to be read by others. I think these guys
    would finish the eternal religion war of “the_very_long_name” vs. “TheVeryLongName” or such.
    Their work is based on Nielssen’s ideas who seems to be the founder of the “software usability” as a science.
    Among their clients - Moscow city governemental websites (the 9million city in the middle-level country in terms of GDP/capita),
    Moscow tax department and such.

If somebody is interested - email me privately to avoid over-bothering this forum with spam and ads.

Maxim Shatskih
StorageCraft Corporation

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“Maxim S. Shatskih” wrote in message
> Sorry for bothering the community with this shameless ad :-), but I
have some moral obligations for one girl and need to help
> her.

Lest anyone doubt it, this type of posting is NOT appropriate for this
list – Moral obligations of the poster or not. I’ve contacted the author
offline. I’ll remove it from the archive.

See the joining notes for what’s considered appropriate.


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