I guess you mean changing the OSINFO.DAT file to fit the offsets and other stuff in Vista32.
Did you have any success using this approach ? In other words, were you eventually able to run Soft ICE under Vista32?
-----Mensaje original-----
De: [] En nombre de Alberto Moreira
Enviado el: mi?rcoles, 09 de enero de 2008 13:56
Para: Windows System Software Devs Interest List
Asunto: Re: [ntdev] SoftIce + Virtual PC 2007?
It’s been over three years now, but I remember we used to have a problem
running on top of VmWare. I don’t know the nature of it because by the time
it surfaced, I no longer managed that software group. SoftICE sits between
the hardware and the OS, and as such it may compete for hooks and other low
level resources with a software such as VmWare.
If you really want SoftICE to run under 32-bit Vista, you can try to add a
set of Vista directives to the OSI data file. Most of its contents comes
from running Windbg commands on the OS, so, it isn’t as daunting as it
If you need it to run under 64-bit Vista, one of our guys found a way to
defeat the locking mechanism (“if it is software it can be defeated”, that
was his motto) but, alas, he’s joined the Empire when the DriverStudio
development group collapsed at Compuware.
----- Original Message -----
From: “Matthew Martin”
To: “Windows System Software Devs Interest List”
Sent: Wednesday, January 09, 2008 7:06 AM
Subject: [ntdev] SoftIce + Virtual PC 2007?
> Hello all,
> Before I attempt, I was wondering it softice could run in a VM. This new
> machine is running 32bit Vista on x64 dual.
> Although softice is dead, I was hoping I could have a VM that would be
> compatiable… Something just for those special occasions where the OS
> doesn’t really matter.
> However, I’m not sure if this would even work… As invasive as it is, can
> it run in a VM at all without an conflict?
> Thanks,
> Matt
> —
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