smi asl & languge

hi all,

can someone tell me how to generate an SMI correctly “as per the book”. I
know we can do it if we know the smi port and value from ACPI, but is there
some kind of rule saying that if a driver in windows generates an smi it
“sould” do so through ACPI driver and not on it’s own by writing to the io



I seriously doubt that this is something that they ever wrote specs for, but here’s some links that might help.

The ‘official’ answer to the question of how to use the ACPI driver is here:

It’s a general interface, and there are several limitations.

While you’re there, I would look at the documents found on these links.

There’s a lot of information there that you won’t find the wdk docs, but in many cases, it’s fairly sketchy and incomplete.

In particular:

In and of themselves, I don’t think that any of these will really help you, unfortunately. The state machine of Power Management/Plug and Play is horrendously complicated, you’re in the dark without a debugger. and it sounds like your target is a multivendor collection of new hardware/firmware.

Good luck,


Good luck,


for those of you who tried to help regarding this issue, and those who
aeinterested, and for the record and benifit of future developers
facing this…

we fortunately had a port 80 connector on the MoBo and using that, we
figured out (after long hours of debugging) that the issue lies with
the core BIOS SMi handler itself. they have some sync issues in their
BIOS kernel.

On 12/5/09, wrote:
> I seriously doubt that this is something that they ever wrote specs for, but
> here’s some links that might help.
> The ‘official’ answer to the question of how to use the ACPI driver is here:
> It’s a general interface, and there are several limitations.
> While you’re there, I would look at the documents found on these links.
> There’s a lot of information there that you won’t find the wdk docs, but in
> many cases, it’s fairly sketchy and incomplete.
> In particular:
> In and of themselves, I don’t think that any of these will really help you,
> unfortunately. The state machine of Power Management/Plug and Play is
> horrendously complicated, you’re in the dark without a debugger. and it
> sounds like your target is a multivendor collection of new
> hardware/firmware.
> Good luck,
> mm
> Good luck,
> mm
> —
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