Site with undocumented Windows kernel structures

Sometimes I need to peer into undocumented kernel structures like TEB or DEVICE_NODE for different Windows versions. But I struggled to find a good reference for that so I with my friend created our own one. We took PDB files for kernels from Windows XP till Windows 10 and converted them to C/C++ code. You can check the results at I hope it will save the day for somebody.

Awesome. Then what looks like heaven for you - Mac OS? Linux? :wink: – pa

Good work, but I would not not be too sure about our host’s reaction to posting it here, taking into consideration that someone got on moderation simply for asking a “non-supported” question on NTDEV the other day …

Anton Bassov

Assuming this was generated from public PDBs I think it’s great. Very nicely done.

We did something similar years back, but generated graphical representations of the structures instead of the C Language typedefs. Very useful in terms of visualizing the structures, their interrelationships, and understanding Windows internals.

ETA: The only thing sadly missing from the structures is the names of the embedded structs/unions. Lacking these makes it harder to accurately interpret the collection of fields in the structure. A small criticism, for sure.


@“Peter_Viscarola_(OSR)” said:
ETA: The only thing sadly missing from the structures is the names of the embedded structs/unions. Lacking these makes it harder to accurately interpret the collection of fields in the structure. A small criticism, for sure.

Those are unnamed structs/unions. We compared our reconstructed code with available public headers and they match very close. Our code:

//0x48 bytes (sizeof)
        struct _WNODE_HEADER Wnode;                                         //0x0
            ULONGLONG Reserved1;                                            //0x0
            ULONGLONG Reserved2;                                            //0x8
            union _LARGE_INTEGER Reserved3;                                 //0x10
                    VOID* Alignment;                                        //0x18
                    struct _SINGLE_LIST_ENTRY SlistEntry;                   //0x20
                struct _LIST_ENTRY Entry;                                   //0x18
            LONG ReferenceCount;                                            //0x0
            ULONG SavedOffset;                                              //0x4
            ULONG CurrentOffset;                                            //0x8
            ULONG UsePerfClock;                                             //0xc
            union _LARGE_INTEGER TimeStamp;                                 //0x10
            struct _GUID Guid;                                              //0x18
            struct _WMI_CLIENT_CONTEXT ClientContext;                       //0x28
                struct _WMI_BUFFER_STATE State;                             //0x2c
                ULONG Flags;                                                //0x2c
    ULONG Offset;                                                           //0x30
    USHORT BufferFlag;                                                      //0x34
    USHORT BufferType;                                                      //0x36
        struct _GUID InstanceGuid;                                          //0x38
            VOID* LoggerContext;                                            //0x38
            struct _SINGLE_LIST_ENTRY GlobalEntry;                          //0x40

and original one from ntwmi.h:

typedef struct _WMI_BUFFER_HEADER {
    union {
            WNODE_HEADER        Wnode;
        struct {
            ULONG64         Reserved1;
            ULONG64         Reserved2;
            LARGE_INTEGER   Reserved3;
                struct {
                    PVOID Alignment;          
       // Note: SlistEntry is actually used as SLIST_ENTRY, however
       // because of its alignment characteristics, using that type would
       // unnecessarily add padding to this structure.
                    SINGLE_LIST_ENTRY SlistEntry;
                LIST_ENTRY      Entry;
        struct {
            LONG            ReferenceCount;     // Buffer reference count
            ULONG           SavedOffset;        // Temp saved offset
            ULONG           CurrentOffset;      // Current offset
            ULONG           UsePerfClock;       // UsePerfClock flag
            LARGE_INTEGER   TimeStamp;
            GUID            Guid;
            WMI_CLIENT_CONTEXT ClientContext;
            union {
                WMI_BUFFER_STATE State;
                ULONG Flags;
    ULONG                   Offset;
    USHORT                  BufferFlag;
    USHORT                  BufferType;
    union {
        GUID                InstanceGuid;
        struct {
            PVOID               LoggerContext;
       // Note: GlobalEntry is actually used as SLIST_ENTRY, however
       // because of its alignment characteristics, using that type would
       // unnecessarily add padding to this structure.
       // We need to Make sure that this field is not modified through 
       // the life time of the buffer, during logging. 
            SINGLE_LIST_ENTRY GlobalEntry;

great stuff. please keep it up2date, mp.

Am Do., 3. Jan. 2019 um 18:50 Uhr schrieb Sergey_Podobry