Serial IRQ by driver

Hi everybody,

I recently need to deal with IRQ, I got some questions about this:

  1. I understand that the PCH will got the IRQ from Serial IRQ bus decode and store somewhere. Can I write some filter driver to get some specific IRQ?
  2. Is there any sample about this, i got the kbfilter driver and check it but still not get a clue about it
    Thank you in advance

What is the bigger problem you are trying to solve?


Bent from my phone

Sent: ?2/?1/?2015 5:41 PM
To: Windows System Software Devs Interest Listmailto:xxxxx
Subject: [ntdev] Serial IRQ by driver

Hi everybody,

I recently need to deal with IRQ, I got some questions about this:
1. I understand that the PCH will got the IRQ from Serial IRQ bus decode and store somewhere. Can I write some filter driver to get some specific IRQ?
2. Is there any sample about this, i got the kbfilter driver and check it but still not get a clue about it
Thank you in advance

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Hi , i need to read one of the IRQ ( maybe IRQ 1 for keyboard for example) then let my code in C or C++ received it

And, when your code will receive the IRQ, what will your code do?

wrote in message news:xxxxx@ntdev…
> Hi , i need to read one of the IRQ ( maybe IRQ 1 for keyboard for example) then let my code in C or C++ received it

Hi, after that I will trigger some other code to adjust fan or to start printing on my 3D printer or do some other stuff. But at the moment i want to know how to read the IRQ signal.
Thank you

If another driver is using the interrupt you cant share it from a filter


Bent from my phone

Sent: ?2/?1/?2015 10:19 PM
To: Windows System Software Devs Interest Listmailto:xxxxx
Subject: RE:[ntdev] Serial IRQ by driver

Hi, after that I will trigger some other code to adjust fan or to start printing on my 3D printer or do some other stuff. But at the moment i want to know how to read the IRQ signal.
Thank you

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Only the keyboard driver can use keyboard IRQ, not some random side code.

But, i8042prt is unique in the way it allows filter drivers to install IRQ hooks to it.

wrote in message news:xxxxx@ntdev…
> Hi, after that I will trigger some other code to adjust fan or to start printing on my 3D printer or do some other stuff. But at the moment i want to know how to read the IRQ signal.
> Thank you

You realize for a serial port you can write an application program that
waits for the end result of the serial driver processing the IRQ. This can
include a change in one of the status lines, or the receipt of a
character. Processing the actual IRQ is usually done only by code that
needs to respond to some hardware event rapidly, like within 10s of
microseconds. Starting printing or adjusting a fan don’t need such fast
response times.

Can you tell us why you think you need to deal with an interrupt.


On 2/2/15, 1:42 AM, “”

>Hi everybody,
>I recently need to deal with IRQ, I got some questions about this:
>1. I understand that the PCH will got the IRQ from Serial IRQ bus decode
>and store somewhere. Can I write some filter driver to get some specific
>2. Is there any sample about this, i got the kbfilter driver and check it
>but still not get a clue about it
>Thank you in advance
>NTDEV is sponsored by OSR
>Visit the list at:
>OSR is HIRING!! See
>For our schedule of WDF, WDM, debugging and other seminars visit:
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I just want to know about IRQ more, the printing or fan speed is just sample, i got some devices that is connect to SuperI/O chip and send out IRQ over Serial IRQ. I dont have the devices here yet so i dont know which IRQ is sent. So as i understand, it is not possible to ,take example, read the whole IRQ 0-15 status ?
Thank you

>is connect to SuperI/O chip and send out IRQ over Serial IRQ.

“Serial” means RS-232? or not so?

Maxim S. Shatskih
Microsoft MVP on File System And Storage

On 02-Feb-2015 13:24, Maxim S. Shatskih wrote:

> is connect to SuperI/O chip and send out IRQ over Serial IRQ.

“Serial” means RS-232? or not so?

He likely means SERIRQ, the protocol to pass interrupts from LPC controller.

– pa wrote:

I just want to know about IRQ more, the printing or fan speed is just sample, i got some devices that is connect to SuperI/O chip and send out IRQ over Serial IRQ. I dont have the devices here yet so i dont know which IRQ is sent. So as i understand, it is not possible to ,take example, read the whole IRQ 0-15 status ?

No. You are asking the wrong questions. There is no way to “read” IRQ
information. It is not stored. An IRQ is a pulse. When an IRQ is
fired, the processor responds by starting an interrupt handler. The
interrupt handler does whatever needs to be done to process the
interrupt and continues.

What you WANT is to be able to handle the input from a serial port. The
existing serial APIs do all of that, by talking to the existing serial
port drivers, which already know how to handle the interrupts. They
handle the interrupts by fetching any pending data and holding it in a
buffer until an application asks for it.

So, your application just needs to use ReadFile. The serial port driver
will handle the hardware and send you the data you need.

Tim Roberts,
Providenza & Boekelheide, Inc.