Security characteristics of files at driver package

When i install my signed driver package files (sys, inf & cat) at driver store, i want to specify special access right for these files.

Found two msdn articles:

But these seeting at inf file desnt work… why?

Importnat part of INF file:

Include= ks.inf,kscaptur.inf
Needs= Stream.Registration,KS.Registration,KSCAPTUR.Registration.NT
AddReg= INSTDEV.AddReg
CopyFiles= INSTDEV.CopyDrivers

Include= ks.inf,kscaptur.inf
Needs= Stream.Registration,KS.Registration,KSCAPTUR.Registration.NT
AddReg= INSTDEV.AddReg
CopyFiles= INSTDEV.CopyDrivers




Best regards


[quote] vendors never have to specify a security descriptor for driver
files, if the installation
destination is one of the system subdirectories of %SystemRoot%. …
The system provides default security descriptors for these subdirectories,
and the default descriptors should not be overridden.

– pa

wrote in message news:xxxxx@ntdev…
> When i install my signed driver package files (sys, inf & cat) at driver
> store, i want to specify special access right for these files.
> Found two msdn articles:
> But these seeting at inf file desnt work… why?
> Importnat part of INF file:
> …
> [INSTDEV.Device.NT]
> Include= ks.inf,kscaptur.inf
> Needs= Stream.Registration,KS.Registration,KSCAPTUR.Registration.NT
> AddReg= INSTDEV.AddReg
> CopyFiles= INSTDEV.CopyDrivers
> [INSTDEV.Device.NTamd64]
> Include= ks.inf,kscaptur.inf
> Needs= Stream.Registration,KS.Registration,KSCAPTUR.Registration.NT
> AddReg= INSTDEV.AddReg
> CopyFiles= INSTDEV.CopyDrivers
> [INSTDEV.AddReg]
> HKR,PageOutWhenUnopened,3,01
> HKR,DontSuspendIfStreamsAreRunning,3,01
> [INSTDEV.CopyDrivers]
> instdev.sys
> [INSTDEV.CopyDrivers.Security]
> …
> Best regards