Before the AHCI driver, is there a way to set SCSI command priority so that the SCSI->ATA translation sets PRIO before sending the SATA command to the storage device?

>translation sets PRIO before sending the SATA command to the storage device?

This is the question of both hardware and drivers. The possible combinations are:

  1. legacy mode IDE controller with the generic OS-provided driver.
  2. legacy mode IDE controller with the vendor’s driver like IAStor.
  3. AHCI controller with OS-provided MSAHCI.SYS (buggy, it still does not work properly after ~5 years of being shipped, it hangs sometimes for 15 second timeout, then continues, and MS is unwilling to distribute the hotfix for this)
  4. AHCI controller with the vendor’s driver (like IAStor). Works fine.
  5. proprietary controller with the vendor’s driver.

I have very major doubts that cases 1 or 2 support PRIO, since I think legacy IDE just has no notion of PRIO in its hardware interface of 1980ies.

Case 3 is buggy.

So, use cases 4 or 5 and you’re fine.

Maxim S. Shatskih
Windows DDK MVP