RtlStringCchPrintfW in Windows2000


I have tiny driver derived from ‘portio’ of WDK(6000) that works in XP.
Today I tried to load the driver in Windows2000 (compiled for Windows 2000)
and it crashed with STOP: c0000263 {Driver Entry Point Not Found}; it did’nt
find _vsnwprintf in ntoskrnl.exe. If I don’t use RtlStringCchPrintfW then
the driver works. I’d like to use that API, any suggestions to make it work
both for Windows200/XP?


according to wdk\inc\ddk\ntstrsafe.h:

// The following steps are *REQUIRED* if ntstrsafe.h is used for drivers on:
// Windows 2000
// Windows Millennium Edition
// Windows 98 Second Edition
// Windows 98
// 1. #define NTSTRSAFE_LIB before including the ntstrsafe.h header file.
// 2. Add ntstrsafe.lib to the TARGET_LIBS line in SOURCES
// Drivers running on XP and later can skip these steps to create a smaller
// driver by running the functions inline.


“hakim” wrote in message news:xxxxx@ntdev…
> Hi,
> I have tiny driver derived from ‘portio’ of WDK(6000) that works in XP.
> Today I tried to load the driver in Windows2000 (compiled for Windows
> 2000) and it crashed with STOP: c0000263 {Driver Entry Point Not Found};
> it did’nt find _vsnwprintf in ntoskrnl.exe. If I don’t use
> RtlStringCchPrintfW then the driver works. I’d like to use that API, any
> suggestions to make it work both for Windows200/XP?
> Thanks,
> Hakim

It worked.

“Petr Kurtin” wrote in message news:xxxxx@ntdev…
> according to wdk\inc\ddk\ntstrsafe.h:
> // The following steps are REQUIRED if ntstrsafe.h is used for drivers
> on:
> // Windows 2000
> // Windows Millennium Edition
> // Windows 98 Second Edition
> // Windows 98
> //
> // 1. #define NTSTRSAFE_LIB before including the ntstrsafe.h header file.
> // 2. Add ntstrsafe.lib to the TARGET_LIBS line in SOURCES
> //
> // Drivers running on XP and later can skip these steps to create a
> smaller
> // driver by running the functions inline.
> -pk
> “hakim” wrote in message news:xxxxx@ntdev…
>> Hi,
>> I have tiny driver derived from ‘portio’ of WDK(6000) that works in XP.
>> Today I tried to load the driver in Windows2000 (compiled for Windows
>> 2000) and it crashed with STOP: c0000263 {Driver Entry Point Not Found};
>> it did’nt find _vsnwprintf in ntoskrnl.exe. If I don’t use
>> RtlStringCchPrintfW then the driver works. I’d like to use that API, any
>> suggestions to make it work both for Windows200/XP?
>> Thanks,
>> Hakim