ReREReREReREReRE: Mapping scattered pages into process address sp- ac e

Von: Maxim S. Shatskih []

the MDLs page array by using ((MDL*)p)+1 kind of access. MDLs store

This was discussed here about 3 years ago.
Dropping IoMapTransfer is extremely bad idea. The driver will a) be
64bit compatible b) will possibly fail on some architectures
(chipsets etc).
Also IoMapTransfer does not incur any significant penalties.

From a purist standpoint you’re quite right. One should never do
such things and there have been many discussions on this and other lists
about this. From performance side even a simple call stalling the pipeline
of the processor can have a lot of negative effect so I tend to rather have
a better performance and live with some incompatiblilies which can be fixed
on a case by case basis. I personally have not seen any 32 bit systems out
there that have inconsistent views of memory host- vs. PCI-wise so ignoring
IoMapTransfer() and using the MDL approach can save you some overhead. 64
bit might be a different issue but so far there’s no difference there either
having seen all Itanium type systems.

out and stand in for systems with multiple AGP ports. AFAIK there’s
>on the number of AGP slots in a system, lest someone has a better

According to the AGP2.0 spec, there can be only 1 AGP slot.
AGP is point-to-point connection between master (the video card) and
corelogic (the north bridge).
Yes, one slot per bridge but how about having multile PCI-to-PCI
bridge in a system?
As about the speed - yes, I agree. Looks like 2D GDI accelerators
abandoned due to high speed of AGP/modern CPUs - at least GeForce2MX
to have no such.
You mean there is no PCI versions of those boards?


Dipl.Ing. (FH) Klaus P. Gerlicher
Software design engineer
Ati Research GmbH
Tel. +49-(0)8151-266-420

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