ReFS: Getting cluster size


In NTFS we have FSCTL_GET_NTFS_VOLUME_DATA which returns the cluster
size of the underlying volume, is there an equivalent for this in the
new file system ReFS?

Otherwise, what is a reliable way to find this information for ReFS?



Hi Ami,

I wouldn’t expect an answer to this right now since all (or at least the
vast majority) of the people outside MS that could answer this are under
NDAs. Still, if you have access to ReFS you can try it out yourself.
Hopefully we’ll all have access to it soon.


On 02/21/2012 05:48 AM, Ami Awbadhho wrote:


In NTFS we have FSCTL_GET_NTFS_VOLUME_DATA which returns the cluster
size of the underlying volume, is there an equivalent for this in the
new file system ReFS?

This can be obtained in a filesystem agnostic way using
NtQueryVolumeInformation with FileFsSizeInformation. This will work on
file systems other than NTFS, including FAT.

  • M