Redirecting UNC to HTTP

Hi everyone i have been passively watching this lost for a little while
at home now it comes i need some help for work…
and you are all a great bunch of really knowledgeable people so i hope
you can help!

i was guided towards creating a mini filter for the task of redirecting
specific UNC path requests to a HTTP requests.

for instance an application requests \systems\unc\whatever\afile.txt
based on a list of UNC paths in a text file local to the driver if it
finds that UNC in the file
it will also find a HTTP equivalent the driver then needs to somehow
take that IO call and
get the file from the remote machine.

so to reiterate something tries to open


but ends up opening

Accept: */*

i need some ideas on how to achieve

downlaoding the file inside the filter to a tmp folder and supplying
that in place of the original request?

what IRP calls would i need to register too i have the IFS KIT and DDK i
spent the last fews days reading documentation
now i need some real advice and ideas from you guys you all rock i hope
you can give me some insight :slight_smile:

the filter would be very selective only manipulating a small set of
files and only
UNC paths the actual number of paths remapped would be maybe 32 or so.

although this sounds naughty i assure you its not we have moved
a HUGE part of our render farm from local to remote at a co hosting
facility as we cannot
support the power requirements for the 600 new machines we added to it
and need
a fast stable solution for some of the media to be mapped this way i
assure you this is easier
than changing the hundreds of thousands of assets containing millions of
paths to be remote
and i don’t think the pplication would even support that.

Thanks in advance Andi

On Oct 12, 2005, at 11:31 AM, Andi Debug Ireland wrote:

i was guided towards creating a mini filter for the task of
redirecting specific UNC path requests to a HTTP requests.

i need some ideas on how to achieve

downlaoding the file inside the filter to a tmp folder and
supplying that in place of the original request?

If you can get away with only using drive letters, as opposed to UNC
paths, this could get easier, but if you want to handle UNC paths,
you’re stuck implementing a kernel-mode redirector. There are some
samples in the IFSKit of mini-redirectors.

Although… I heard a rumor somewhere that RDBSS is no longer the
recommended way to create redirectors, and that it may be removed
from an upcoming driver kit. Anyone hear anything along these lines?
The rdbss stuff is still in my 5112 wdk, for what that’s worth.


Steve Dispensa
MVP - Windows DDK

I see that i did some reasearch further in the docs i just hit the
network redirector section the examples dont cover handling unc sadly.
at least not that i could find assuming the nullmrx and the other
s***mrx samples are what you are refering to they do seem more complex
i tore nullmrx apart to see what made it tick seems very heavy when i
set up the dispatcher can i just pass NULL for most and only handle the
things i need or do i have to implement everything.

this is heavy stuff ive known of the IFS KIT for about a week and since
i purchased it i ahve read docs torn apart samples and its just
giving me a headache i feel like im getting closer to a how just need
some real knowledge on the implementation of this kind of driver

i only just bought the IFS KIT and all the rdbss is still in so i assume
its good for what i need which will only be running on windows XP

Steve Dispensa wrote:

On Oct 12, 2005, at 11:31 AM, Andi Debug Ireland wrote:

> i was guided towards creating a mini filter for the task of
> redirecting specific UNC path requests to a HTTP requests.
> i need some ideas on how to achieve
> downlaoding the file inside the filter to a tmp folder and supplying
> that in place of the original request?

If you can get away with only using drive letters, as opposed to UNC
paths, this could get easier, but if you want to handle UNC paths,
you’re stuck implementing a kernel-mode redirector. There are some
samples in the IFSKit of mini-redirectors.

Although… I heard a rumor somewhere that RDBSS is no longer the
recommended way to create redirectors, and that it may be removed
from an upcoming driver kit. Anyone hear anything along these lines?
The rdbss stuff is still in my 5112 wdk, for what that’s worth.


Steve Dispensa
MVP - Windows DDK

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i’m going through the code of nullmrx sample to try and get some idea on
how to achieve this now.
i am lacking some fundamental understanding of what happens when and so
on i relaly need to trim nullmrx down to passthrough almost everything
except a handful of the unc’s which is eluding me at this time

Debug wrote:

I see that i did some reasearch further in the docs i just hit the
network redirector section the examples dont cover handling unc sadly.
at least not that i could find assuming the nullmrx and the other
s***mrx samples are what you are refering to they do seem more complex
i tore nullmrx apart to see what made it tick seems very heavy when i
set up the dispatcher can i just pass NULL for most and only handle the
things i need or do i have to implement everything.

this is heavy stuff ive known of the IFS KIT for about a week and
since i purchased it i ahve read docs torn apart samples and its just
giving me a headache i feel like im getting closer to a how just need
some real knowledge on the implementation of this kind of driver

i only just bought the IFS KIT and all the rdbss is still in so i
assume its good for what i need which will only be running on windows XP

Steve Dispensa wrote:

> On Oct 12, 2005, at 11:31 AM, Andi Debug Ireland wrote:
>> i was guided towards creating a mini filter for the task of
>> redirecting specific UNC path requests to a HTTP requests.
>> i need some ideas on how to achieve
>> downlaoding the file inside the filter to a tmp folder and
>> supplying that in place of the original request?
> If you can get away with only using drive letters, as opposed to UNC
> paths, this could get easier, but if you want to handle UNC paths,
> you’re stuck implementing a kernel-mode redirector. There are some
> samples in the IFSKit of mini-redirectors.
> Although… I heard a rumor somewhere that RDBSS is no longer the
> recommended way to create redirectors, and that it may be removed
> from an upcoming driver kit. Anyone hear anything along these lines?
> The rdbss stuff is still in my 5112 wdk, for what that’s worth.
> -sd
> ----------------------------------
> Steve Dispensa
> MVP - Windows DDK
> —
> Questions? First check the IFS FAQ at
> You are currently subscribed to ntfsd as:
> To unsubscribe send a blank email to

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