Recovery Mode Driver/Player Recovery Device,...what is it good for?


i have a “dead” MP3 player and whenever i attach it to my systems usb bus, i get a device in my devnodes named “Player_Recover_Device”, but there isnt a lot of information out there for the “Device”. Does anybody know what this is good for? Its name implies some driver to recover/access something but what is it good for if the MP3 player is damaged and inaccessible?

Some data collected from the device:


It uses this driver “StMp3Rec.sys” and version info is:

File Version Info for:

– C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\StMp3Rec.sys –
– Englisch (USA) –
– Generic –
– Recovery Mode Driver –
– 5.2.3790.2000 –
– stmp3rec.sys –
– All rights reserved. –
– stmp3rec.sys –
– Recovery Mode Driver –
– 5.2.3790.2000 –



Check this:


wrote in message news:xxxxx@ntdev…
> Hi,
> i have a “dead” MP3 player and whenever i attach it to my systems usb bus,
> i get a device in my devnodes named “Player_Recover_Device”, but there
> isnt a lot of information out there for the “Device”. Does anybody know
> what this is good for? Its name implies some driver to recover/access
> something but what is it good for if the MP3 player is damaged and
> inaccessible?
> Some data collected from the device:
> “DeviceName”,“Player-Wiederherstellungsgeräteklasse”
> “DeviceClassPnPEnumeratorName”,“Player_Recovery_Device”
> “DeviceClassName”,“Player-Wiederherstellungsgeräteklasse”
> “DeviceClassGUID”,“9fff066d-3ed3-4567-9123-8b82cfe1cdd4”
> “DeviceCompatibleIDs”,“USB\Class_FF&SubClass_00&Prot_FF;USB\Class_FF&SubClass_00;USB\Class_FF”
> “DeviceHardwareIDs”,“USB\VID_066F&PID_3500&REV_0066;USB\VID_066F&PID_3500”
> “DeviceDriverINFFile”,“C:\Windows\Inf\oem59.inf”
> “DeviceDriverINFFileClassName”,“Player_Recovery_Device”
> “DeviceDriverINFFileClassGuid”,“9fff066d-3ed3-4567-9123-8b82cfe1cdd4”
> “DeviceEnumeratorType”,“USB”
> “DeviceHardwareLocation”,“Port_#0001.Hub_#0005
> “DeviceHardwareId”,“USB\VID_066F&PID_3500&REV_0066”
> “DeviceInstanceID”,“USB\VID_066F&PID_3500\5&3498DE22&0&1”
> “DeviceRegistryKey”,“HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Class{9fff066d-3ed3-4567-9123-8b82cfe1cdd4}\0000”
> It uses this driver “StMp3Rec.sys” and version info is:
> File Version Info for:
> “C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\StMp3Rec.sys”
> [FileName]
> – C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\StMp3Rec.sys –
> [Language]
> – Englisch (USA) –
> [CompanyName]
> – Generic –
> [FileDescription]
> – Recovery Mode Driver –
> [FileVersion]
> – 5.2.3790.2000 –
> [InternalName]
> – stmp3rec.sys –
> [LegalCopyright]
> – All rights reserved. –
> [OriginalFilename]
> – stmp3rec.sys –
> [ProductName]
> – Recovery Mode Driver –
> [ProductVersion]
> – 5.2.3790.2000 –
> regards
> K.