> Sources of information for writing Windows 95/98 (file system) drivers
The MSDN Library - January 2000
DDK Documentation
Windows 95 DDK
Windows 95 Documentation
Design Guide
Storage Technology Reference
Chapter 3: MS-DOS / Win32 Installable File System
Chapter 12: SCSI Port Driver Services Reference
Chapter 13: MS-DOS / Win32 File System Driver
You can buy this on CD, or it’s all free (beer) online at
It is also at
(You can find this easily from www.microsoft.com/hwdev .)
Windows 98 DDK
Related Driver Documentation
Windows 95 Documentation
Design Guide
Storage Technology Reference
Also search for “Windows 95 File System” at www.amazon.com and come up with:
Inside the Windows 95 File System by Stan Mitchell
The title is poor (just like Rajeev Nagar’s book’s title), it sounds like it
will describe the on disk structure of FAT, but it is all about the various
layers of the file system code and how to plug in.
Hopefully you’ve passed through general programmer newbieness before
entering kernel mode/driver newbieness…
- Jay
From: xxxxx@chat.ru
Date: Sat, 8 Apr 2000 5:48:18
X-Message-Number: 1Dear All!
I know this is not Win95 discussion group, but i really need help
Maybe you know where to get sample driver that perfom file io on IOP
processing?Subject: newbie questions
From: Saulius Krasuckas <saulius.krasuckas>
>Date: Sat, 8 Apr 2000 20:18:26 +0300 (EET DST)
>X-Message-Number: 3
> I know this is not a list for developers for other Win-OSes, different
>from WinNT, but maybe everyone developer could explain/recommend/give me
>any book/url/other references on how to develop (for example) SCSI
>miniport drivers, running on all win32 platforms. I believe it is very</saulius.krasuckas>