Re: Will NT 4.0 PCMCIA driver run on Win2k <

Jan wrote:

I happen to be working on a W2K PCMCIA function driver, and have found
PCMCIA.SYS a bit on the buggy side. Two examples, the physical slot number
is not correctly returned (accessed via IoGetDeviceProperty)

Dear Jan,

I have been able to successfully retrieve the PCMCIA socket number via the
IRP_MN_QUERY_CAPABILITIES minor function. I send an IRP_MJ_PNP down to the
Pcmcia PDO, with this minor function, and a buffer to a DEVICE_CAPABILITIES
structure. I then retrieve the socket number from the buffer with the
following line:
*dwSocket = ((DevCaps.Address & 0xF0) >> 6);

Obviously, access to the socket number is critical in a driver which
supports multiple instances of the same card.

Avi Shmidman
Jerusalem, Israel