RE: why filespy detach after my filesystem filter Device- Object detach ?

When you call IoDeleteDevice, the I/O Manager notices that filespy is
attached to your device object and calls its fast I/O detach device entry

This is exactly the same reason your detach device entry point is called
(when the FSD on which you are filtering deletes its own device object.)



Tony Mason
Consulting Partner
OSR Open Systems Resources, Inc.

-----Original Message-----
From: Danny []
Sent: Wednesday, August 22, 2001 6:02 PM
To: File Systems Developers
Subject: [ntfsd] why filespy detach after my filesystem filter DeviceObject
detach ?

Hi? All,
?Could any one tell me why this is happening to me:
every time I ask filespy to filter the same partition which I am also
Attached to ,when I eventually detach/delete from it the
FilespyFastIoDetachDevice get Invoked by the system (see the call stack
and code below).

my dynamic unhook:

??? MyDeviceExtension = MyDeviceObjectsL[Drive]->DeviceExtension;
??? IoDetachDevice(My DeviceExtension->FileSystem );
??? IoDeleteDevice( MyDeviceObjectsL[Drive] );
??? MyDeviceObjectsL[Drive] = NULL;
??? }
??? return TRUE;

fileSpy code:

SpyFastIoDetachDevice(? IN PDEVICE_OBJECT SourceDevice,??? IN
??? PRECORD_LIST??? recordList;
??? BOOLEAN??? shouldLog;


? devext = SourceDevice->DeviceExtension;
??? ASSERT(devext->Type == FILESPY_DEVICE_TYPE);

??? ExAcquireFastMutex( &gSpyDeviceExtensionListLock );
??? RemoveEntryList(&devext->NextDevice);??? // remove from LOG list
??? ExReleaseFastMutex( &gSpyDeviceExtensionListLock );
??? …
??? // Detach from the file system’s volume device object.

??? IoDetachDevice( TargetDevice );
??? IoDeleteDevice( SourceDevice );

call stack:
FramePtr? RetAddr?? Param1?? Param2?? Param3?? Function Name
f3206d2c? 80114558? 809a1e60 808f5260 808f5260
FILESPY!SpyFastIoDetachDevice (EBP)?? [filespy.c @ 2080]
f3206d78? 80111ee8? 808f5260 00000000 f3f23650 NT!KeDetachProcess+0xa6?
(FPO: [ebp f3206db0] [0,1,4])
f3206d8c? f3f21706? 808f5260 808f5318 808f5260
NT!IoSetThreadHardErrorMode+0x1a (FPO: [1,0,1])
f3206db8? f3f225c9? 00000000 80ad0cf0 f3f23650
MYFILTER!MyDetachDevice+0x80 (EBP)?? [clearmp.c @? 772]
f3206e0c? 8016f29e? 80a50aa8 00000001 00000000
MYFILTER!MyFfilterFastIoDeviceControl+0x138 (EBP) [clearmp.c @ 1385]
f3206ea0? 80169a30? 00000158 00000000 00000000
NT!IopCreateMadeupNode+0x1f0 (EBP)
f3206ed4? 8013dde4? 00000158 00000000 00000000
NT!BuildQueryDirectoryIrp+0x440 (EBP)
f3206f04? 00000000? 00000000 00000000 00000000
NT!V86CriticalInstruction+0x307 (No FPO)

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