Re: Translating DeviceObject to HarddiskVolume# name or Drive Letter

Try IoGetDeviceObjectPointer on “\??\%c:” (with %c = c to z).
Check the AttachedDevice in your DO to find out the highest driver in the
The resulting DO (of IoGetDeviceObjectPointer) is the DO of the highest
driver in the stack
(or your own, if you are the highest).

Sent by: To: “NT Developers Interest List”
xxxxx@lis cc: Subject: [ntdev] Translating DeviceObject to HarddiskVolume# name or
Drive Letter

31.10.2002 15:56
Please respond to “NT
Developers Interest

I have a Device Object address in a filter driver that I need to
translate to a name like “\Device\HarddiskVolume1” or “??\C:”.

This is from within an upper filter driver on that device.

I have scoured the docs and the WEB and not had luck with figuring
this out. I see how the DISKPERF sample gets a
name, but that isn’t any help because that is NOT the same device level
that I am filtering.

Any ideas??? Also a sample code snippet would really be appreciated,
but just ideas would also be helpful.

thanks, Rick…

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