I noticed. The real good news about this approach is that it addresses the
change history complaint many of us raised when the samples went to MSDN.
Now I can just let github both notify me when something has changed and
tell me exactly what changed. Adding the source for all the port drivers to
the samples would be another great step forward toward joining the open
source community and making windows a good choice for development.
Mark Roddy
On Sat, Mar 21, 2015 at 6:48 PM, wrote:
> And the answer I got (just before I posted this, actually… if I had read
> my mail) is that without confirming or denying that any particular samples
> would make it to GitHub, that the samples on GitHub will be updated and
> added to from how until Windows 10 RTM.
> This makes sense to me… these drivers are part of the OS, not just
> illustrative examples.
> Peter
> @OSRDrivers
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