Re: the file system of a floppy disk drive in Windows XP

Are you certain that the FAT file system driver is loaded? Because the name
of the FAT file system’s named device object has not changed - actually, it
has two of them now (\Fat and \FatCdrom) because it now works with both
disks and CD-ROMs.

But that name is created when FAT loads. If fat is not loaded yet, you will
not see the name.



Tony Mason
Consulting Partner
OSR Open Systems Resources, Inc.

-----Original Message-----
From: Yayomi Nakamura []
Sent: Sunday, June 09, 2002 8:32 PM
To: File Systems Developers
Subject: [ntfsd] Re: the file system of a floppy disk drive in WindowsXP

Explanations that are not finished were not enough.
When designating FAT, it calls IoGetDeviceObjectPointer, it succeeds as NT
in 2,000 but it fails in XP. (STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND returned.)
Probably, the mount information of floppy is to do and to get in what
manner in XP.

Thanks in advance,


RtlInitUnicodeString(&String, L\Fat);
^^^^^^What is in Windows XP?
if( NT_SUCCESS(IoGetDeviceObjectPointer(
&String, FILE_READ_ATTRIBUTES, &fileObject, &deviceObject) )
MyFsNotification(deviceObject, TRUE);
ObDereferenceObject( fileObject );

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