Re: Thanks. Re: When are "yahoo man", "vinay kp", and the like going to be banned from this list?

Well you can Google “yahoo’s man” email address (funny that yahoo man is
using gmail) and see that he’s associated with a “company” in Bangledesh
relating to surveillance software. Probably not very legit but worrisome
none the less.

On Mon, Jan 25, 2016 at 3:57 PM, Thomas Swann

> Thanks. When Chris posted that comment, it made me think that these are
> just the latest people in a disturbing trend on NTDEV that seem to lack
> basic coding skills or inclination to devote any of their own mental
> energy into solving their own problems. I hope that these people are
> writing malware and not kernel code for legitimate products.
> On 1/25/2016 12:47 PM, wrote:
> > Thanks you, Mr. Aseltine, for calling this to my attention.
> >
> > And to Mr. O’Brien, who sent me email to ensure that I saw it.
> >
> > Mr. Yahoo Man is a sad memory.
> >
> > Mr. Vinay KP lives for the moment.
> >
> > Peter
> > OSR
> > @OSRDrivers
> —
> NTDEV is sponsored by OSR
> Visit the list online at: <
> MONTHLY seminars on crash dump analysis, WDF, Windows internals and
> software drivers!
> Details at http:
> To unsubscribe, visit the List Server section of OSR Online at <

I don’t know what is happening here . I am very beginner in NDIS driver development . I tried lot of scenarios and after that I tried to post here . But I don’t know why osr people trying to ban me . I am not living for that moment . I am trying to explore and study new technologies i.e… NDIS .

anybody felt disturbance from my side , I am very sorry . Now onwards I am try to post experimental and useful question . I don’t want living for a moment . Sorry guys .

On Jan 25, 2016, at 9:15 PM, wrote:

I don’t know what is happening here . I am very beginner in NDIS driver development . I tried lot of scenarios and after that I tried to post here . But I don’t know why osr people trying to ban me . I am not living for that moment . I am trying to explore and study new technologies i.e… NDIS .

The problem is that this has traditionally been a forum for experienced driver developers. Some would use the term “old codgers”. We have not traditionally been very welcoming to people looking for step-by-step beginner tutorials. The MSDN online forums might be a better place for that kind of thing.

This forum does respond to well-focused questions, especially when the questions show that a serious attempt has been made to solve the problem independently. I think that’s been the objection to your posts. It looked like you weren’t making any progress on your own, just coming back here at each step.

That’s just the personality of this particular group.

Tim Roberts,
Providenza & Boekelheide, Inc.

Well, you have a question “how to install NDIS filter driver”?

First of all: NDIS5 or NDIS6? they are really different.

Second - have you tried googling for “NDIS filter installation”?

Maxim S. Shatskih
Microsoft MVP on File System And Storage

wrote in message news:xxxxx@ntdev…
>I don’t know what is happening here . I am very beginner in NDIS driver development . I tried lot of scenarios and after that I tried to post here . But I don’t know why osr people trying to ban me . I am not living for that moment . I am trying to explore and study new technologies i.e… NDIS .
> anybody felt disturbance from my side , I am very sorry . Now onwards I am try to post experimental and useful question . I don’t want living for a moment . Sorry guys .

First, “OSR people” are not trying to ban you. If we were, you would already be banned and traces of you expunged, like Mr. “Yahoo Man”

I’ve written this REPEATEDLY over the past couple of months, to the point where I’m going to make it a FAQ when I have time:

The members of this forum range from newbies to people who have been writing Windows drivers for more than 20 years. Many of us have been dealing with devices and writing drivers since before Windows even existed.

We respect and consider every question that’s posted here. Whether it’s a simple sounding question from a newb or a detailed complex question from an advanced dev. Some of the simplest sounding questions can be some of the most challenging to answer.

The corollary to the above is that whenever you post a question here, we expect you to post that question with the same thought and respect that you would give to asking a question to a very senior colleague that you work with. That means you should only post your question if you REALLY can’t solve it yourself, using ALL the means and methods available to you.

Before posting your question research your problem online first. Use Google. Use the documentation. THINK about your question. Describe your problem clearly and concisely. Be specific. Tell us what you’ve already tried. Tell us the behavior you’re seeing and the behavior you want to see. Remember you’re talking to experienced driver devs who know nothing about what you’re trying to do – we don’t know your hardware or what you’ve already tried. Try to put yourself in the position of the person who’ll be reading your question, and anticipate what information they might need to be able to give you a good answer. You get questions and problem reports from customers, right? You know how you’d like them to be clear and explicit when they describe their question or problem? That’s what we want HERE.

ALWAYS always always tell us the overall problem you’re trying to solve. If you’re having a hard time doing something a particular way, it’s often because you’re trying to solve a larger problem the wrong way. Remember that Windows is not Linux. And remember that the way you’ve chosen to solve a given problem may not be the best way to solve your problem on Windows.

Give time for us to respond. Remember, the community literally spans the globe. We have people who regularly answer questions who live in the US, Eastern Europe, Western Europe, and all throughout Asia (India and Greater China, for sure). Nothing annoys the community more than somebody who posts a question and then follows-up 2 hours later with “Hello? Can anybody help me?” If you’re LUCKY, that’ll only get you a reply akin to FOAD.

Remember nobody is paid to answer questions on this forum. So if you get a reply, it’s from somebody who actually WANTS to help you. Be grateful of any answer you receive.

Try to give-back to the community by answering questions THAT ARE WITHIN YOUR AREA OF PERSONAL EXPERTISE. If somebody asks a question on something you’ve done personally, and know how to do, please answer them. DO NOT answer questions by Googling for the answer. More than half the time, the answer will be wrong.

I’m going to post this someplace for the ages so we can refer people to it… once I get through my two-week backlog of “urgent” client issues.


@Paul McDonough
Yeah. Its funny he is using Gmail. Old school
What else info you got.
Pshyyyy, Listen… I have someone in higher sector who buys information. We can sell and earn some money man…
Just keep this between us…

Richard Hill wrote:

Pshyyyy, Listen… I have someone in higher sector who buys
information. We can sell and earn some money man… Just keep
this between us…

I feel like I’m watching a poorly translated cutscene in an old NES game.