I am sorry I missed the earlier mail (if any). Is it Win2000 you are
talking about or is it Win NT.
I’m talking about Win2000. (NT and I have come to an understanding of sorts.) said:
To replace a system file you can boot to DOS (Don’t boot Win2K) and
then overwrite the file with your own.
An NTFS filesystem?
Anyhow, as good a guess as this is, the file is \win2000\system32\drivers
is the one I want to use, and is remaining the one I want to use.
I *just* found that by pressing the right number of buttons and rebooting
and saying hte right prayers it’s now using the new driver. So it is possible,
I just don’t know *how* to make it work for certain.
Is this stuff written down somewhere?
Steve Williams “The woods are lovely, dark and deep. But I have promises to keep, and lines to code before I sleep, And lines to code before I sleep.”