From: [] On Behalf Of Marion Bond
Sent: Wednesday, March 11, 2015 6:21 PM
To: Windows System Software Devs Interest List
Subject: [ntdev] Re: [ntdev] Re: [ntdev] Off-topic Meta-Discussion
Come on, some of us were clearly razed up to the lowest common denominator!
(For non English speakers, the use of z was deliberate as a pun and not a mistake)
Sent from Surface Pro
From: Martin O’Brien mailto:xxxxx
Sent: Wednesday, March 11, 2015 7:14 PM
To: Windows System Software Devs Interest List mailto:xxxxx
The biggest reason why my participation is down is certainly having the lost the relative free time that comes with being a research scientist to join a startup a few years ago, but my complete lack of interest in new Windows releases factors in too.
I agree that the tools have definitely improved and I definitely do not subscribe to the “Windows is dead” or “Tablets will replace PC’s” nonsense, but the combination of Vista being dead on arrival, followed by the insult that was participating in the Windows 7 beta to receive the same presentation on SDV repeatedly (under NDA, even better) to be shown “FEEDBACK” slide surveys before presentations would continue, followed by the forced Metro march, just killed my interest in what’s happening in Windows.
That said, one never knows what the future holds.
From: [] On Behalf Of Marion Bond
Sent: Wednesday, March 11, 2015 3:25 PM
To: Windows System Software Devs Interest List
Subject: [ntdev] Re: [ntdev] Off-topic Meta-Discussion
Also, I think that the total volume of what we would call professional development has declined for all platforms. This kind of development costs real money and many companies are simply not investing in R&D. And for those that are, how many junior / trainees have you seen recently? Experienced developers ask fewer questions then they answer
MSFT has spent the past 10+ years working hard to make all of there products more robust and reliable. This also makes it harder for us to hang ourselves with bad code and reduces the amount of arcane knowledge needed
Sent from Surface Pro
From: Don Burn mailto:xxxxx
Sent: Wednesday, March 11, 2015 11:48 AM
To: Windows System Software Devs Interest List mailto:xxxxx
Actually, there has been a decrease in questions on the Microsoft WDK forum also. I answer a lot there, and there have been a number of weekends in the last 6 months where no questions were asked.
I think it is a combination of a lot of things that is slowing down the questions on the Microsoft forum and here. Some of these are good, and some are terrible, the good include:
1. Microsoft keeps improving the documentation, this eliminates a lot of questions
2. WDF has made it easier to develop drivers, so a lot of things people used to ask about are handled by the framework
3. The Visual Studio integration has eliminated a large class of “how to build things” questions
On the bad:
1. There are a lot of firms that are drinking the “PC is dead” or the “Windows is dead, Linux rules everywhere” koolaid, and not targeting Windows at all. Fortunately, this is changing I am getting queries from people who said “We need help for a Windows version of our product ASAP, our customers won’t commit without Windows support”
2. The recession did hit a lot the Windows space hard, this is improving.
3. There are a lot more samples on the web for Windows drivers, this should be good but a lot of them are pure garbage.
Finally, lot of work was off shored, and in many of the countries that it moved to the community there is trying to answer the questions. Whether this is good or bad, is hard to say, but when the questions do percolate up to Microsoft forums, many times the best answer would be “kill off the project team and start over”
Don Burn
Windows Driver Consulting
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