> I can confirm that the network binding engine in NT3 & NT4 contains a small prolog interpreter. Unusually blatant evidence for http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Greenspun's_tenth_rule .
We could all use a little Lisp or Prolog once and a while just to keep it interesting and to drive the price parenthesis up.
I’ve talked to a couple of the guys who were charged with replacing the prolog interpreter in NT5. They wrote netcfg in a nascent programming language called C++,
and were one of the first teams in the OS to use a new language feature called the “Standard Template Library”. Heady times, I’m sure.
Ok, so then what possibly does BindForm do now? Or did it just become the forgotten residue that nobody removed from the NDI key for fear of breaking something?
; bindform value item
; bindform = <object_name> {yes|no} {yes|no} {container|simple|streams}
That was about the extent of the documentation. IIRC one could use it to tell the binding engine to generate an upper binding path for each lower binding path or for it to terminate all lower binding paths into a single binding path (or some such). My head hurts just thinking about that again. But now I am going to go digging in the archives & answer book to see if I can recover this.
Dave Cattley</object_name>