RE: [off topic] excessive disk thrash when app is minimized

Thanks John, but the bitmap is minimal. The app has virtually no user
interface, save for a couple menu items and a status bar. It’s purpose is
to host a collection of independent scripts, with each script running in
it’s own thread. The real user interface is in another app, connected to
the main app via named pipes (and sometimes w/ memory-mapped file sections).
The app does have quite a few threads running, but they are all non-visual

The bad part of it is that when the thrashing occurs, all computer activity
HANGS - even task manager’s update. Another interesting thing is that it
only happens the first time you minimize the app. Subsequent minimizes seem
to work normally.

Thanks for your reply,


-----Original Message-----
From: John Rogers []
Sent: Thursday, November 02, 2000 1:52 PM
Subject: [ntdev] [off topic] excessive disk thrash when app is minimized

Hi Bill.

I don’t know if this is relevant or not, but I’m noticed disk thrashing when
minimizing when there is a complicated bitmap for the desktop.

Hope this helps!

John D. Rogers jrogers at mangosoft dot com

It’s not so much the complexity of the bitmap that’s the issue – it’s enabling
the feature “stretch to fit” – this needs lots of CPU time to recalculate the new
bitmap each time the bitmap has to be displayed and can *really* slow the machine
down during a minimize operation.


Paul Bunn,, 425-644-6000
Microsoft MVP - WindowsNT/2000

-----Original Message-----
From: John Rogers []
Sent: Thursday, November 02, 2000 1:52 PM
Subject: [ntdev] [off topic] excessive disk thrash when app is minimized

Hi Bill.

I don’t know if this is relevant or not, but I’m noticed disk thrashing when
minimizing when there is a complicated bitmap for the desktop.