Re: [ntfsd] NDIS get destination address


The purpose of this is somehow small with regards to its original scope. The
main purpose is a module that will be able to filter traffic on some
criterion and to be able to redirect some packets that match some filters.

Can I have a packet reconstruction (for the redirecting part) in another
part than IM driver?


PS: I figured out that I sent the mail to the wrong list (ntfds) only
seconds after it went out, that is why I sent a copy of it in this list, to
be continued here. Sorry for the inconvenience

On Thu, Apr 23, 2009 at 10:06 AM, Skywing wrote:

> This is not really the ideal place to layer in for that sort of data. The
> URL being browsed to is at a completely different level of abstraction than
> an IM driver. All you will see are hardware frames which may bear things
> like DNS queries over UDP, or HTTP requests over TCP.
> Figuring this sort of data out isn’t best done directly from an IM driver
> itself directly as you have an enormous amount of state to track
> (essentially reimplementing TCP + HTTP, and you’re a bit in trouble with
> HTTP/1.0). And, of course, you’re wholly sunk when HTTPS comes into play.
> What is the ultimate goal here? Some sort of transparent proxy / filter for
> HTTP traffic?
> - S
> From: [mailto:
>] *On Behalf Of *Bogdan Hruban
> Sent: Wednesday, April 22, 2009 11:42 PM
> To: Windows File Systems Devs Interest List
> Subject: [ntfsd] NDIS get destination address
> Hi,
> I have started from the DDK passthru sample and written an additional
> module that will store some statistical data related to the network traffic
> that is done. I can get the source and target IP addresses but, in case that
> a browser has been used, I need to get the address that was given for
> browsing. (eq.
> Is there any way that I can do this without reading the packet data? And if
> not, is there an additional header (beside the ip one) in which it is
> specified the size of the link (in my case)?
> I am also opened to other solutions that my result in the same outcome. :slight_smile:
> Regards,
> –
> Bogdan Hruban
> Mobile : +40-746-056045
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Bogdan Hruban

Mobile : +40-746-056045
Email :;
Yahoo : bogdan_hruban
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