Life critical and safety critical systems must not use unreliable communications protocols such as those that run over Ethernet; reconsider your design
As an aside, C# is also not an appropriate language for writing life critical of safety critical code due to the non-deterministic nature of its execution. Windows is also no an appropriate OS for these systems too unless the OS merely 'controls’ a hardware device that responds in relay time
Sent from Surface Pro
Sent: Saturday, October 18, 2014 3:12 PM
To: Windows System Software Devs Interest List
Having spent the last two years buried deep inside dynamic data from bridges and C# programs to complete the analysis - it was a bit surprising to be asked about device drivers. (I am the world’s worst at anything like this). We want to connect to a device across Ethernet for human safety reasons, but the DD are in C#.
I could decompile the DLL’s used to manage the device, C# does not protect someone’s code, and then get it working again in Windows 7 with VS2012, just to make sure I could. (On my home computer). But the INF file uses the MSDN Coinstallers.
What do they do?
I still have the OSRUSBFX2 box on my desk and I play with it from time to time. I took me an hour to remember the other day all the steps to get it working on a new computer. I would still like to use it with this device - just for the joy of watching the lights change.
I gave Windows 8 a miss, could not stand the interface. But I just loaded Windows 10 preview on an old box, it really should be called Windows 7.2. it is freaking fast to install. I think they have a winner.
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