I could proceed a little further but in finishing the IRP, I am having a
problem. If I set the SrbStatus to some error value and complete the Irp
with some successful or warning NTSTATUS then my system is crashing. And I
set the NTSTATUS to error level NTSTATUS (to “CRC error”) then the system
is not crashing.
I am doing something like this:
srb.SrbStatus = (UCHAR)18;
memcpy(?tIrpStack->Parameters.Scsi.Srb, &srb, sizeof(srb));
Irp->IoStatus.Information = 0;
Irp->IoStatus.Status =NTStatus;
IoCompleteRequest(Irp, IO_NO_INCREMENT);
return NTStatus;
here if NTSTATUS is - 0 or 18 then it is crashing. If I give 0xC000003F then
works fine.
What could be the reason in the first condition? And Can I do like this. I
mean is this correct or am I missing something?)
Can anyone tell how to do the same thing (set the srb status) from the
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