if one can live with copying dbgeng/dbghelp/ndiskd dlls into a local
folder or run this app from windbg installation folder
compiling the following few lines into an exe will get the report nice
and fine in %temp%
it seems this fantastic extension command is yet to be documented officially
@jeffrey can the path to report be customised with some magic cookie ?
is some Environmentvariable like _NDISKD_REPORT_PATH available for
use ?
#include <dbgeng.h>
IDebugClient2* g_Client = NULL;
IDebugControl* g_Control = NULL;
IDebugSymbols* g_Symbols = NULL;
void __cdecl main(void) {
ULONG64 Handle = NULL;
if ( S_OK == DebugCreate(__uuidof(IDebugClient), (void**)&g_Client)) {
if (S_OK == g_Client->QueryInterface(__uuidof(IDebugControl),
(void**)&g_Control)) {
if (S_OK ==
g_Client->QueryInterface(__uuidof(IDebugSymbols), (void**)&g_Symbols))
if (S_OK == g_Symbols->SetSymbolPath(“f:\symbols”)) {
if (S_OK ==
g_Client->AttachKernel(DEBUG_ATTACH_LOCAL_KERNEL,NULL )) {
if (S_OK ==
g_Control->WaitForEvent(DEBUG_WAIT_DEFAULT, INFINITE)) {
if (S_OK ==
g_Control->AddExtension(“ndiskd.dll”,0,&Handle)) {
/* contents of sources file
TARGETNAME = netreport
UMTYPE = console
UMENTRY = main
SOURCES = netreport.cpp
On 7/3/14, Scott Noone wrote:
> Can you live with copying the debugging and LiveKD to the machine? LiveKD
> will pass arguments to the debugger and therefore execute an initial command
> for you:
> livekd.exe “-c "!ndiskd.netreport -verbose;q"”
> -scott
> @OSRDrivers
> “Dave Cattley” wrote in message news:xxxxx@ntdev…
> My challenge is that I would like to know the runtime layering / binding
> order of LWFs.
> Is that something that can be interrogated from a running system?
> I have a common support situation where depending on the order of install
> which translates into a default append order of FilterClasses the binding
> altitude of various filters that add their own FilterClass can end up in an
> arbitrary order. Given other factors (like a Filter opting out for some
> reason) it would be really helpful to be able to capture the runtime state
> of an adapter’s filter subscriptions.
> I will never ask for you to jump into the snake-pit of fancy HTML5 rending
> again.
> Cheers,
> Dave Cattley
> Sent from Windows Mail
> —
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