Re: NdisGetReceivedPacket (Was Padding in itermediate driver)

The primary reason that NdisGetReceivedPacket would return NULL would be
that the lower-level miniport used a non-packet method for indicating
received packets.

For example, if the lower-level miniport called NdisMEthIndicateReceive,
then NdisGetReceivedPacket should return NULL in the higher-level protocol’s

You must design your receive handler in such a way that it does not depend
on NdisGetReceivedPacket returning a pointer to a packet descriptor.


Thomas F. Divine

PCAUSA - Toolkits & Resources For Network Software Developers
NDIS Protocol - NDIS Intermediate - TDI Client
http: - http:

----- Original Message -----
To: “NT Developers Interest List”
Sent: Friday, August 03, 2001 5:38 AM
Subject: [ntdev] Re: Padding in itermediate driver

> Hi,
> Thank you thomas that was very much helpfull.
> I have one more question regarding NdisGetReceivedPacket().I want to know
> under what conditions this function returns NULL ,DDK does not specify
> regarding this condition.
> Thanks/Regards,
> Shashi

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