Re: CFileDialog show bDisconneted Network Drive with Red Cross, but it work well

I am not familiar with the library you reference, but shell extensions
require special care to work with CFileDialog (for those of you who are
not MFC wizards, CFileDialog.DoModal wraps the OpenFile or SaveFe dialog,
and it requires a flag to use explorer extensions).

Otherwise, I’m out of my element here. I have seen this behavior when
shell extensions were involved.

I am developing a network filesystem with rdbss.lib and it work well
through explore.exe.

but it is showed disconnect in the dialog created by CFileDialog.DoModal

I see my network provider dll is not loaded and NPGetConnection is not

what should I do


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>I am not familiar with the library you reference, but shell extensions

require special care to work with CFileDialog

CFileDialog is a wrapper around shell32’s file open dialog, which - in turn - on network redirectors, depends on an NP DLL heavily.

Also the DeviceType for the redir’s DO MUST be FILE_DEVICE_NETWORK_FILE_SYSTEM

Maxim S. Shatskih
Microsoft MVP on File System And Storage

It show correctly in Explore.exe, but wrong with Common Open File dialog, what do I miss ?

should I set flag WNNC_DLG_FORMATNETNAME in return value for WNNC_DIALOG ?