Re: Anyone know of a company around Dallas that does driv er Training?

“Gary Little” wrote in message news:xxxxx@ntdev…

Gosh. I loved everything Gary said, until he said:

> In
> other words … these guys teach Microsoft.

Arrrrgh. EVERYone, including OSR, teaches Microsoft. On site. In public
classes. In private classes. SOME of us just believe that what we do when
we’re not doing training (i.e. real development) is more important than WHO
we teach. But, hey… when it comes to marketing, people have got to have
something to talk about, right?

(Sorry, but I just HATE it when I hear people say that)

I will point out that there are usually driver-writing seminars offered by
small, local, companies. It is rare (but not impossible) to find one that’s
as in-depth and accurate as the Azius or OSR seminars. Driver writing, as
you must already know, is a special specialty. It’s hard enough to find
people who know how to WRITE drivers, never mind find people locally who
both know how to write drivers and explain to somebody else how to do it.

Blatant commercialism: Why not come to our Boston seminar that starts on

OSR Open Systems Resources, Inc.

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