Re[2]: Re[2]: Minifilter - Redirect application

My point here is that the user mode components have no idea requests are
being redirected from C: to T:, this is a function of the filter driver.
Therefore the ‘move’ operation will be on the C: drive, it will be the
filter driver designed by the OP which will then perform the move
operation ‘on the T: drive’. There are no operations which move anything
from C: to T:, this is a redirection design the OP is asking about so it
is within the filter driver that things are getting redirected

At least this is my understanding of the OP’s questions.


Kernel Drivers
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------ Original Message ------
From: “Maxim S. Shatskih”
To: “Windows File Systems Devs Interest List”
Sent: 10/12/2015 7:45:17 AM
Subject: Re:[ntfsd] Re[2]: Minifilter - Redirect application

>>relationship between C: and T:. As well, while the ‘move’ operation
>>come into play at some point in the redirection, it can be completely
>>handled within the filter driver.
>No it can’t.
>It will be failed by IO due to “not same volume” before any filters
>can come into play
>At least it was so in XP era.
>Maxim S. Shatskih
>Microsoft MVP on File System And Storage
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>Therefore the ‘move’ operation will be on the C: drive, it will be the

filter driver designed by the OP which will then perform the move
operation ‘on the T: drive’.

You move C:\Dir1\File1.dat -> C:\RedirectedDir\File1.dat

which is actually C:\Dir1\File1.dat -> T:\SomeDir\File1.dat

Since the user view for the operation is the move within the single volume, it must succeed.

Nevertheless, when the request comes to IO, it looks at target FO of “C:\RedirectedDir”, which is redirected to “T:\SomeDir”, sees that T: is different from C:, and fails the move.

Maxim S. Shatskih
Microsoft MVP on File System And Storage