raw pdo

I have a USB class lower filter, that creates a raw PDO for sideband communication. It filters ALL USB devices.

Problem is this: on reboot and as it attaches to each device, it stops in one of the device (\Device\USBPDO-0) and keeps spinning forever. Once I comment out the bit that creates the raw PDO all goes through fine.

Any ideas of what’s going on here?


Are you waiting for the raw pdo to start when you enumerate it or are youbletting it happen async?

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From: xxxxx@gmail.commailto:xxxxx
Sent: ?11/?19/?2014 6:12 PM
To: Windows System Software Devs Interest Listmailto:xxxxx
Subject: [ntdev] raw pdo

I have a USB class lower filter, that creates a raw PDO for sideband communication. It filters ALL USB devices.

Problem is this: on reboot and as it attaches to each device, it stops in one of the device (\Device\USBPDO-0) and keeps spinning forever. Once I comment out the bit that creates the raw PDO all goes through fine.

Any ideas of what’s going on here?


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The code that create the raw PDO is the same as the kbfiltr raw pdo, so I am not waiting for the raw PDO to start.

What exactly do you mean by “it stops in one of the device and keeps
spinning forever”?

Do you mean the system hangs at this point?

Assuming “yes”, break into the system with the debugger and execute
!pnptriage. That should show you what cluster-f*ck you have caused to
deadlock pnp. !stacks 2 should also be illuminating.

You have, of course, enabled driver verifier for your driver, right?

Mark Roddy

On Wed, Nov 19, 2014 at 9:11 PM, wrote:

> I have a USB class lower filter, that creates a raw PDO for sideband
> communication. It filters ALL USB devices.
> Problem is this: on reboot and as it attaches to each device, it stops in
> one of the device (\Device\USBPDO-0) and keeps spinning forever. Once I
> comment out the bit that creates the raw PDO all goes through fine.
> Any ideas of what’s going on here?
> Thanks,
> AB
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How do you report the PDO to PNP?