Ranking of singned drivers


a few years ago i had stumbled upon a MS document (or was it a web
page) that clearly described behaviour of installation and upgrade of
signed drivers. For example what happens when a WHQL signed driver is
tried to be upgraded to one with a greater version number but not WHQL
signed (but signed by verisign).

Now i cant find that document any more. So can some one please point
me to it or be kind enough to explain the rules again to me…



You’re probably interested in the “How Windows Ranks Drivers” section, but you didn’t specify the O/S and it’s changed over the years.

yes, this document is similar to waht i had read.

I have a practical problem to adress, and can some one here guide me
as to how best to proceed…


We have a released product in a corporate environment, where we use
deployment agents to automatically push the installer into all
endpoints. In a very small number of these endpoints, the driver
(which is a boot start disk filter) blue screens right during
installation. This driver inside the package is WHQL signed.

We have identified hte issue and the fix is ready, the fix will only
be deployed on the machines experiencing blue screens and not on all
endpoints as of now. That will be done in teh next wave of product
release in 2 months.

This new fixed ‘orphan’ driver is not whql signed, it is however
verisign (symantec) signed. The idea was, the user of the ill fated
machine, installs this new driver by right clicking on the inf and
after rebooting, the corporate push installer will push the product,
where the product will see that the version of teh driver already
installed is greater than what it has, and ignore the driver
installation part.

Unfortunately, this is not happening, as the orphan driver, though it
has a greater version number, is not WHQL signed.

Is there a way to get this to work? We cannot get the driver whqled in
such short time, and there is no way to update teh corporate installer
which is being pushed.

The platform we see this is win 7 mostly.


On Sat, Feb 9, 2013 at 1:31 AM, wrote:
> http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/hardware/ff546228(v=vs.85).aspx
> You’re probably interested in the “How Windows Ranks Drivers” section, but you didn’t specify the O/S and it’s changed over the years.
> —
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