Hi dear all,
I’m trying to port an Linux fs driver to Windows which used radix tree . I can’t find the same in Windows kernel. Or is there some equivalent replacement? Or I have to implement it myself ? Many thanks
It’s been too long since I had to worry about this, but maybe AVL trees can help?
https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-hardware/drivers/ddi/ntddk/nf-ntddk-rtlinitializegenerictableavl is a place to start
IIRC your supply the locking and it’s a bit funky because the tree changes shape when you don’t expect it to.
thank you. I’ll evaluate it.
It would be interesting to hear what fs you are trying to port?
@“Bo_Brantén” said:
It would be interesting to hear what fs you are trying to port?
I’m trying to port Linux F2FS. It’s in a very early stage for now.