Question regarding the addition of a feature to ERAM (Open Source RAM Disk Driver)

I have a guy who is helping with the development of it (he’s Mysoft on the #winapi channel of the Freenode IRC Network). I am wanting to know how to have it save the contents of the RAM Disk to a file (with it possibly containing only the used sectors) at a certain time and at shutdown, then restore it before Windows finishes logging on. I can then give the information to him so that he can implement it. The latest source of it can be found at

I hope that I get a response soon.

Are we playing telephone? If this guy knows how to write drivers, he knows how to do what you want. If he doesn’t, then it doesn’t matter what we tell you.

This entire project is silly, and (just so you know) I’ve only got a limited amount of patience for your perusing it on this forum.


  1. He knows enough to at least fix its BSODs, etc.
  2. Its not silly (unless there’s other open source RAM Disk drivers that work as well as ImDisk).

He knows enough to at least fix its BSODs

Then he doesn’t need help from us to know how to save the contents of the ramdisk to a file.

Seriously… this forum isn’t for this purpose. We’re a forum of professional kernel-mode devs, and this is a forum for peer help. It’s not a forum for users looking to get some OSS fixed while we lead them through the process.

I’m closing this thread. I’ve treated you with a reasonable amount of respect. Please do me likewise by not raising this issue or this project again.