Question on breakpoint failure

Hi. Sometimes when I surprise my stream class USB driver in Win2k SP3 or
WinXP SP1, I cannot set breakpoints in WinDBG after I replug the device. I
get such an error:

Unable to insert breakpoint 3 at f52c4d30, NTSTATUS 0xC0000001
“{Operation Failed} The requested operation was unsuccessful.”
bp3 at f52c4d30 failed
WaitForEvent failed
805103fb c20400 ret 0x4

Has anyone seen similar errors? Am I corrupting memory? When I try to use
Driver Verifier, I sometimes get BSODs within stream.sys (bug check 0xC9,
param=6 : IRP completed with STATUS_PENDING or -1), but never yet in my
driver. Needless to say, I never myself complete an SRB with status

Could anyone shed any light on this matter? Thanks in advance.

Philip Lukidis

“Philip Lukidis” wrote in message
> Hi. Sometimes when I surprise my stream class USB driver in Win2k SP3 or
> WinXP SP1, I cannot set breakpoints in WinDBG after I replug the device.
> get such an error:
> Unable to insert breakpoint 3 at f52c4d30, NTSTATUS 0xC0000001
> “{Operation Failed} The requested operation was unsuccessful.”
> bp3 at f52c4d30 failed
> WaitForEvent failed
> nt!RtlpBreakWithStatusInstruction+1:
> 805103fb c20400 ret 0x4
> Has anyone seen similar errors? Am I corrupting memory? When I try to
> Driver Verifier, I sometimes get BSODs within stream.sys (bug check 0xC9,
> param=6 : IRP completed with STATUS_PENDING or -1), but never yet in my
> driver. Needless to say, I never myself complete an SRB with status

1394 or serial? Do you have a lot of breakpoints set? I have seen that
error message, and have posted either to this list or to the
microsoft.public.windbg newsgroup some of the things I discovered about it.
I don’t remember exactly what I wrote, but I don’t have the problem anymore,
so I guess I must be practicing what I preached. IIRC, my workaround is to
not use so many breakpoints at once anymore. :frowning:


Philip D. Barila
Seagate Technology, LLC
(720) 684-1842
As if I need to say it: Not speaking for Seagate.

I get this problem if I unload my driver (via DevMgr by disabling it) with
breakpoints set and then reload my driver (Enable it). If I have a deferred
breakpoint set in DriverEntry, when I hit that windbg stops (as it should)
but then I can’t continue (I get the error you listed). Clearing the
breakpoints (bc *) after getting this error resolves the problem. I’m even
able to re-set the breakpoint immediately before continuing without any

  • Steve -

-----Original Message-----
From: Philip Lukidis []
Sent: Thursday, April 17, 2003 5:19 PM
To: Kernel Debugging Interest List
Subject: [windbg] Question on breakpoint failure

Hi. Sometimes when I surprise my stream class USB driver in
Win2k SP3 or
WinXP SP1, I cannot set breakpoints in WinDBG after I replug
the device. I
get such an error:

Unable to insert breakpoint 3 at f52c4d30, NTSTATUS 0xC0000001
“{Operation Failed} The requested operation was unsuccessful.”
bp3 at f52c4d30 failed
WaitForEvent failed
805103fb c20400 ret 0x4

Has anyone seen similar errors? Am I corrupting memory?
When I try to use
Driver Verifier, I sometimes get BSODs within stream.sys (bug
check 0xC9,
param=6 : IRP completed with STATUS_PENDING or -1), but never
yet in my
driver. Needless to say, I never myself complete an SRB with status

Could anyone shed any light on this matter? Thanks in advance.

Philip Lukidis

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I should have mentioned that WinDBG was using the serial connection, and
that it was the latest version (6.1.0017.2). I had maybe 6 breakpoints, and
I don’t really consider that to be a lot. I’ll try with fewer breakpoints,
just to make sure.

It really only occurs when I surprise remove my USB device. Right now I’m
not sure if the problem is in my code or not. Did this occur to you under
similar circumstances? What type of driver was it?

Thanks for answering,

Philip Lukidis

“Phil Barila” wrote in message
> 1394 or serial? Do you have a lot of breakpoints set? I have seen that
> error message, and have posted either to this list or to the
> microsoft.public.windbg newsgroup some of the things I discovered about
> I don’t remember exactly what I wrote, but I don’t have the problem
> so I guess I must be practicing what I preached. IIRC, my workaround is
> not use so many breakpoints at once anymore. :frowning:
> Phil
> –
> Philip D. Barila
> Seagate Technology, LLC
> (720) 684-1842
> As if I need to say it: Not speaking for Seagate.
> —
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