question of reading Registry through native api

hi to all members
i want to resgistry value through native API . i got suceeded reading HKLM sections.
My code works. but now i want to read the "HKEY_CURRENT_USER" section. i read documentation. and found that i need to provide SID to access this section
so i did like this

“\registry\user\sid\test” : Sid -> is the current user sid:
and call this function

RtlInitUnicodeString(&m_Text, L"\registry\user\sid\test");
InitializeObjectAttributes(&objectAttr,&test, OBJ_CASE_INSENSITIVE, 0, 0);
st = ZwOpenKey(&m_Handle, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, &objectAttr);

but when i see the out put . and prints the error code. it says the “ERROR_BAD_PATHNAME 161” ie the path is invalid. do i need to load ntuser.dat or something like that to read this value. since i am able to read the HKML section.

can anybody provide any help

> RtlInitUnicodeString(&m_Text, L"\registry\user\sid\test");

Is that really the literal you used, or did you type it here by hand?
You need to double the backslashes.


hi loren thanks for the reply
i typed it here. sorry for that typing mistake
RtlInitUnicodeString(&test, L"\registry\user\sid\test");

i have also initialized the registry with

NTSTATUS status = ZwInitializeRegistry(REG_INIT_BOOT_SM);

it returns success


is the current user sid>
I’m wondering who the current user during execution of BootExecutables
should be ?
I think that at this time there’s only the system hive alive.
You’re before writing the clone set to the registry and before loading the
win32 subsys.


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| | 01/23/2008 08:19 AM |
| | Please respond to |
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| To: “Windows System Software Devs Interest List” |
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| Subject: [ntdev] question of reading Registry through native api |

hi to all members
i want to resgistry value through native API . i got suceeded reading HKLM
My code works. but now i want to read the “HKEY_CURRENT_USER" section. i
read documentation. and found that i need to provide SID to access this
so i did like this

”\registry\user\sid\test" : Sid -> is the current user sid:
and call this function

RtlInitUnicodeString(&m_Text, L"\registry\user\sid\test");
InitializeObjectAttributes(&objectAttr,&test, OBJ_CASE_INSENSITIVE, 0, 0);
st = ZwOpenKey(&m_Handle, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, &objectAttr);

but when i see the out put . and prints the error code. it says the
“ERROR_BAD_PATHNAME 161” ie the path is invalid. do i need to load
ntuser.dat or something like that to read this value. since i am able to
read the HKML section.

can anybody provide any help

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hi thanks
i got your point ! but suppose if i have hard coded paths in the “text file” where i can store the path with the sid
like this
“\registry\user\ S-1-5-21-3010791503-3112820070-4134981414-1174\test”
and they try to open that in the native application by reading this file.

do you mean to say that this entry is not loaded when native applications run
if so then couild i load these settings in the native code.


one more thing

i am not getting the SID of the user when my native application runs. i am taking this sid from the text file

regards wrote:

hi thanks
i got your point ! but suppose if i have hard coded paths in the “text file” where i can store the path with the sid
like this
“\registry\user\ S-1-5-21-3010791503-3112820070-4134981414-1174\test”
and they try to open that in the native application by reading this file.

And once again, are you aware that this has to be written like this?


Tim Roberts,
Providenza & Boekelheide, Inc.

I’m not sure that HKEY_USERS exists at this point in the boot process.
Have you tried opening “\registry\user\.DEFAULT?” Many fewer chances
for typos.

Good luck,

mm wrote:

hi thanks
i got your point ! but suppose if i have hard coded paths in the “text file” where i can store the path with the sid
like this
“\registry\user\ S-1-5-21-3010791503-3112820070-4134981414-1174\test”
and they try to open that in the native application by reading this file.

do you mean to say that this entry is not loaded when native applications run
if so then couild i load these settings in the native code.


> My code works. but now i want to read the "HKEY_CURRENT_USER" section. i

There is no notion of "current user’ for a native app.

LSA and WinLogon are not started yet, so, all code runs as LocalSystem.

Maxim Shatskih, Windows DDK MVP
StorageCraft Corporation