QueryInterface not returning interface


I’m using the QueryInterface to get the interface of the IRequestCallbackCancel.

to cancel a IOrequest.


for some reason the callback return empty.

should i implement or register something so the interface will return valid.

as i saw the QueryInterface in CMyqueue send the request to the CUnknown.


You implement the interface, not umdf. You can tell by the name (no IWDF at the start of the name) and the remarks section on MSDN are pretty clear


A driver registers the IRequestCallbackCancel interface when it calls the IWDFIoRequest::MarkCancelable method to enable the canceling of an I/O request. For more information about how to cancel I/O requests, see Canceling I/O Requests



debt from my phone

From: xxxxx@gmail.com
Sent: 1/11/2012 7:53 AM
To: Windows System Software Devs Interest List
Subject: [ntdev] QueryInterface not returning interface


I’m using the QueryInterface to get the interface of the IRequestCallbackCancel.

to cancel a IOrequest.


for some reason the callback return empty.

should i implement or register something so the interface will return valid.

as i saw the QueryInterface in CMyqueue send the request to the CUnknown.


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