Query about NDIS 5.1 Miniport driver

Hello All ,

I am about to start with a NDIS 5.1 miniport driver for Windows Xp with the physical medium being 802.11 , So I need a clarification :

-> How do we intergrate proprietary EAP methods with the Standard Windows Xp supplicant . What are the changes required in the miniport driver to achieve the same , if you can provide any alternate methods to do the same .

I apologize, if this post is not proper for this forum .


> How do we intergrate proprietary EAP methods with the Standard Windows Xp supplicant .

Read about EAPHOST and RASEAP in the Platform SDK. The XP EAP facility has an extensibility interface (two actually) for adding more EAP methods. RASEAP is the older one (but might actually be easier and/or work better under some circumstances). EAPHOST is the new fangled one back-ported from Vista in XPSP3. New fangled and with new issues. But you might want to start with EAPHOST as it is the way forward in NT6.

What are the changes required in the miniport driver to achieve the same , if you can provide any alternate methods to do the same .


But I suspect that is not actually going to end up being the entire story here. Can you share with us what EAP method [protocol] you are trying to add and/or what is so special about that it might need to interact with your 802.11 ‘driver’?

Good Luck,
Dave Cattley

Hello David ,

->I have to implement EAP-TLS, LEAP, PEAP, EAP-TTLS using the standard Windows Xp Supplicant .That is the reason why I wanted know if there is a framework that I could use.
->For implementation of these , I wanted to know if I need any changes in my miniport driver.
Actually if there are any sample implementations of any of these in Xp , I would be grateful.


The recent Windows Platform SDKs include an EAPHOST EAP method sample.

You might also want to try your inquiries to one of the Windows SDK oriented forums on MSDN.

Good Luck,
Dave Cattley

Date: Thu, 9 Dec 2010 10:59:12 -0500
From: xxxxx@gmail.com
To: xxxxx@lists.osr.com
Subject: RE:[ntdev] Query about NDIS 5.1 Miniport driver

Hello David ,

->I have to implement EAP-TLS, LEAP, PEAP, EAP-TTLS using the standard Windows Xp Supplicant .That is the reason why I wanted know if there is a framework that I could use.
->For implementation of these , I wanted to know if I need any changes in my miniport driver.
Actually if there are any sample implementations of any of these in Xp , I would be grateful.


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