The target machine IP settings that you can control from UI are completely irrelevant. They are for NDIS layer drivers. KDNET runs directly on the metal.
From an elevated command prompt on the target machine run
reg query hklm\system\currentcontrolset\services\kdnet
If you get an KdInitStatus result that is non zero, then KDNET failed to initialize properly.
The KdInitResultString should give you some reasonable idea what is actually wrong.
If your KdInitStatus is zero, then KDNET should be running on the target.
Run ipconfig /all from the command line, and see if you have an Ethernet adapter with the following description:
Microsoft Kernel Debug Network Adapter.
If you do, and if it has been assigned an IPv4 address, and has DNS server addresses assigned, etc, then KDNET is running properly on the target. Especially if you have net connectivity, and there is only 1 NIC plugged in on the machine.
In that case, the problem is on the host. Something is causing packets to be dropped.
The simplest way to get kdnet running is to plug target and host into the same physical network switch. On a network that has a DHCP server. Leave target KDNET setting to DHCP yes.
Both machines should get an address from the DHCP server (likely your router if a home network).
As long as you have your host setup to let packets through to the debugger, things should just work.
-----Original Message-----
From: [] On Behalf Of
Sent: Saturday, February 14, 2015 3:09 PM
To: Kernel Debugging Interest List
Subject: RE:[windbg] Proper way to use Visual Studio or WinDbg Kernel Debugger
Folks, sorry for interrupting the discussion:
Seems like either I’m too stupid to physically set the things up, correctly or microsoft didn’t explain enough detailed how to wire up host and target:
I followed all steps and now i’m able to ping both host–>target and vice versa.
however im not able to get the even slightest connection from host to target.
we have a fritzbox 7490 and i did port forwarding of connection port 50002 to the target computer or the host computer but none worked so far.
my setup is: host = windows server 2008r2 x64, firewall completely off target=laptop with windows 8.1 x64, firewall completely off, ethernet card supported and busparams set correctly, dhcp=yes, and i also have bootdebug btw.
target has no testsigning, host has it. (but that migth not addrezs my issue) both host and target wired to the same zyxel mini switch if this interesting anyhow.
target ipv4 settings are ‘use automatic ip address’.
host ipv4 settings are the very same.
dns also automatic (but thats not about pure connection)
i keep getting “opened winsock 2.0, waiting to reconnect”.
sorry, but i have absolutely NO IDEA what i doing wrong.
any help highly apperciated, if such seemingly simple stuff (as stated in kernel debugging over a network cable M$ article) not works and i have no clue why not I get quite upset.
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