I am trying to promote my driver module to boot start if OS going for a network boot, My driver module belongs to NDIS Loadordergroup and start type is Kept as SERVICE_DEMAND_START.
I am trying to make my module to boot start forcefully if it is going for a network boot say like SAN or iscsi target.
please help to make the flow of promoting demand start driver to boot start when OS boots from network.
Thank you in Advance.
please let me know for additional information on this.
I am trying to promote my driver module to boot start if OS going for a network boot, My driver module belongs to NDIS Loadordergroup and start type is Kept as SERVICE_DEMAND_START.
I am trying to make my module to boot start forcefully if it is going for a network boot say like SAN or iscsi target.
please help to make the flow of promoting demand start driver to boot start when OS boots from network.
You seem to be asking for a time machine.
Have you thought about what you’re asking? Before Windows boots,
Windows isn’t running (obviously). There’s no way for you to get a
Windows driver installed to help in that process. Network booting is
handled by the BIOS.
Now, if you need your driver to be involved after Windows boots, then
you need to make it boot start. You can’t be boot-start sometimes and
demand-start sometimes.
Tim Roberts, xxxxx@probo.com
Providenza & Boekelheide, Inc.
I understand that a boot start module does loads before windows kernel, and NDIS group acts after the kernel get load.
my situation is , i have multiple interfacing module which are apparently dependent on the NDIS module which is an BASE MODULE with DEAMND_START and the dependent modules start type are BOOT_START so my kernel gets BSOD in this conflict scenario.
making NDIS module to BOOT_START work’s all well, But the NDIS modules behavior couldn’t be predicted.
So BASE MODULE of NDIS group is maitained with a BOOT FLAG- “0x1” which should handel BASE_MODULE of NDIS group to start as BOOT_START if OS boots from network.
which could help me out to deal with this.
xxxxx@gmail.com wrote:
> I am trying to promote my driver module to boot start if OS going for a
> network boot, My driver module belongs to NDIS Loadordergroup and start type
> I am trying to make my module to boot start forcefully if it is going for a network boot say like SAN or iscsi target.
> please help to make the flow of promoting demand start driver to boot start when OS boots from network.
You seem to be asking for a time machine.
Have you thought about what you’re asking? Before Windows boots,
Windows isn’t running (obviously). There’s no way for you to get a
Windows driver installed to help in that process. Network booting is
handled by the BIOS.
Now, if you need your driver to be involved after Windows boots, then
you need to make it boot start. You can’t be boot-start sometimes and
demand-start sometimes.
The base module of NDIS group already does consist of CM_SERVICE_BOOT_LOAD
flag and boot flag is being properly registered in system registries.
Although things are properly done, NDIS group module fails to load at boot_start and in result i am obtaining a BSOD.
The whole driver works fine in a standalone machine , but in case of network boot this conflict is raised.
You need to provide more details:
a) what kind of driver (NDIS miniport, protocol…) ?
b) How are you installing this driver ? Give details of the INF file,
and if you have an installer program, tell us what the installer
does to the registry etc.
c) explain in detail the steps you use to show the problem, and the
bugcheck details from the debugger.